The Rosberg’s strengthen marriages through a variety of avenues, including their Blog, Podcast, Facebook, their ministry in South Africa, CrossTrainers, and to Iowa’s Heroes.
The Rosbergs offer executive couples coaching, platform event speaking, and small group executive getaways through The Rosberg Group.
If you want to find a marriage counselor in your area, contact Focus on the Family at 1.800.A.FAMILY.
For general inquiries, please email sarah@afcoaches.com or call (515) 608-5508.
America's Family Coaches
6500 University Ave Ste 100 PMB#150
Windsor Heights, IA 50324
Click HERE for Board and Key Staff Information.
Click HERE for Financial Reports and Policies
“I want to say thank you, Gary and Barb. My husband and I really enjoyed our teachings and the honesty you brought to the words you shared at an event. We really needed to have those truths spoken into our lives. Continue sharing your lives with others.”