South Africa | America's Family Coaches

Since 2009 the Rosbergs have partnered with Focus on the Family Africa to minister all across South Africa. The Great Marriage Experience tour allows the Rosbergs to coach and encourage couples on a unique marriage strengthening topic each year and personally coach and equip Pastoral and Lay leader couples. In March 2019 the Rosbergs are coaching couples through a 12 event tour on the importance of guarding the heart of their marriage from both sneak and subtle attacks.

In 2012, Barb's heart was moved while on their 4th annual ministry trip to South Africa. She literally gave the necklace off her own neck to a woman taking care of AIDS orphans. A vision was birthed to teach godly relationship principles to these special women and to the next generation. A Woman’s Legacy was born and through her partnership with Focus on the Family Africa Barb passionately works to distribute video coaching and translated texts to 552 women each week, which in turns impacts more than 6600 South African children with these life-changing principles.

This video showcases the impact of Gary and Barb's ministry to marriages and families in South Africa.