Take the RMAP | America's Family Coaches

Whether you have been married for a few weeks or a few decades the Rosberg Marital Assessment Program or RMAP has been designed specifically to help you learn where the greatest strengths and growth opportunities are in your marriage as well as practical first steps to make your marriage great!

The first step in living The Great Marriage Experience is for you and your spouse to answer the question “Where are we in our marriage relationship?"

Dr. Gary & Barb Rosberg have created an assessment that will ask you questions in a step-by-step format to gauge where you are in your marriage relationship. After completing the assessment, you can begin your lifelong journey to obtain a marriage that is real and will last.

The Rosberg Marital Assessment Program (RMAP) is regularly $34.95, but you will receive a discount if you take it through your church and would like your individual results.

Click on the blue ‘Get Started!’ button to begin your RMAP today!