When the Dream is Taken Away
Do you have a dream that has been taken away? The loss of a job, career, spouse, or the loss of a dream of being a parent? Today, the Rosbergs want to encourage you!
Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas from Pexels
Do you have a dream that has been taken away? The loss of a job, career, spouse, or the loss of a dream of being a parent? Today, the Rosbergs want to encourage you!
Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas from Pexels
How would your spouse react, if you greeted them the same way you greet your best friend? If their reaction is better than normal, then you better listen to today’s podcast!
Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels
One question that is bound to spark a heated debate in many marriages is, “Who does more household chores in your marriage?” Listen as the Rosbergs help you navigate the chore wars in your house.
When we see successful, talented, healthy kids, we think, “I want to raise kids like that!” Today, learn what type of parenting produces kids “like that”.
Photo by Muhammad Rahmat Yulianto from Pexels
Family traditions help build a connected family. Today, the Rosbergs are going to give you practical ways to build traditions in your home.
Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels
Moving from a full house to an empty nest can be challenging. Today, let the Rosbergs share their experience with you in order to encourage you into a healthy and fun empty nest.
Photo by Terrillo Walls from Pexels
When jealousy is in full bloom, it exchanges joy of blessing with painful suffering. Today, learn how to move past jealousy and back into blessing!
If you’ve ever been in the zone as an athlete, parent or in your career, you know the feeling! You also know how it feels when you’re out of the zone! Today, learn how Psalm 116 can get you back into your spiritual zone.
Photo by Retha Ferguson from Pexels
How can Desperate Housewives teach us a lesson in comparison? Listen to today’s teaching to find out!
Wives, how to do you romance your husband? Today, the Rosbergs are going to teach you how to get out of your comfort zone and up the romance with your husband.
From being kids, to parents, to now grandparents, the Rosbergs have experienced three different generations of parenting. Today, let them encourage you on how to parent today’s generation.
Photo by VisionPic .net from Pexels
Can lack of jealousy be a good thing…or a bad thing? Today, learn how jealousy can work for you…and against you!
A little thing called the iPhone changed Apple forever. The focused mind and spirit of a man named Martin Luther King Jr. changed how we look at and treat our fellow man. These were game changers in our lives. Learn how you, no matter how ordinary you may feel, can be a game changer too.
We once heard it said that all stepfamilies are hard because they are all built on loss. Listen to today’s program to hear what the Rosbergs have to say about this.
Do you find yourself focusing on your spouse’s annoying habits? Today, learn how to stop!
Photo by Josh Willink from Pexels
If you’re a woman, chances are you have three types of friends in your life. On today’s program, learn how to deal with the “Drainers” and look for the “Replenishers”.
Today, the Rosbergs are going to coach you how to grandparent on purpose.
Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas from Pexels
Attitude can make or break a person…most of us have personal experience in this area! Today, let the Rosbergs coach you how to have an attitude that will lift you up instead of making you struggle.
Photo by bruce mars from Pexels
There’s nothing wrong with long, wonderful love letters to your spouse and children. But it’s two little words, spoken every day, that will solidify the foundation of your family.
“’Twas the night before Christmas”…and what’s going on in your house? Hopefully, it’s joyful fun even amongst the tools, instructions, and rush to put together the last of the toys under the tree.
Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels