After more than a decade of faithfully serving our nation's finest, the Rosbergs are continuing their campaign, Honoring America's Heroes.
To honor the sacrifice of heroes physically ravaged by war and their caregiving spouses by giving back to them through an authentic, vulnerable and safe community, while coaching and encouraging them in their marriages, relationships and personal legacies. We choose to remember.
We are humbled and honored to serve as marriage coaches for our wounded warriors and their spouses through our campaign, Honoring America's Heroes! On April 16-19 we are hosting the fifth annual Military Marriage Getaway for these heroic couples just outside of Denver, CO. As citizens, we take seriously the call to do all we can to serve our veterans who have sacrificed to serve us and preserve our freedom! We help because through our experiences with Helping a Hero and the Green Beret Foundation, we know how to bring relationship-strengthening coaching to our heroes and their spouses. Please contact to learn more about programming established specifically for these couples as they reintegrate into their families and homes. Below are some of our heroes. Click their pictures to read their stories!
Enjoy these short videos about some of our heroes.
Whether deployed or stateside, the Rosbergs offer hope, encouragement and practical coaching through military-focused marriage resources in order to help them grow and stay connected. As funds become available, we at America's Family Coaches are poised and ready to resource military families and Chaplains with marriage-strengthening resources. We are passionate about serving military couples and lifting up the arms of Chaplains serving the soldiers and families in their unit. Please contact us ( to discuss how we can get resources into your hands for yourself or for distribution. For Chaplains desiring to bring Gary to your installation for Date Night events and Marriage Champion (mentoring) training, please contact
A list of the military resources we have available can be found in our store.