Be Friends with Your Spouse

Q: How can we maintain our friendship with each other?

Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

A: It’s important to remember that men and women are different when it comes to friendship. So the friendship you develop with each other is going to look different from your same-sex friendships. Where do you start?

  • Take inventory of some of your spouse’s hobbies and interests, and ask if you can join in one of them.

  • Read up on some of the things your spouse is interested in, and begin to tell him/her what you are learning.

  • Ask questions about what your spouse is doing at work, at play, in leisure. Not the kinds of questions that feel like an inquisition, but the kind that show real interest.

  • Share some of your own experiences with your spouse to draw him/her closer to you as well.

It’s also so important to remember how to have FUN together as a couple! So try one (or more) of these ideas to have some fun together:

  • Sit down together and think about the most enjoyable, interesting, and fun things you’ve ever done together or things you would like to do. Write them down even if it sounds silly or you think your partner might not like the idea. Throw out wacky ideas.

  • Trade three ideas with your spouse. Then let your spouse pick out one from your three suggestions. That way you’re both interested in the activity.

  • Do something that will make you giggle or laugh out loud—rent a funny movie or play your favorite board or card game. Take a massage class and practice on each other. Collect seashells. Prepare a new meal together. Rent a classic movie and cuddle with some popcorn. Drink a soda with two straws. Rent motorcycles and go on a ride. The sky is the limit!

*For more practical marriage advice, check out The Great Marriage Q&A Book. It's available in our online bookstore!